Causes Supported

Last year Kimbolton Country Fayre & Classic Car Show raised over £27,000 for charities and causes designated by our Rotarians, local volunteers and Sporting Bears.

Sailing for disabled people.
Funds generated by the Country Fayre have allowed Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club to give financial and hands-on help to enable people with disabilities to enjoy the thrill of sailing at Grafham Water.

Outdoor Adventure
We support adventures for local young people with disabilities. In addition to local challenges like Sailability we utilise the Calvert Trust Adventure Centre near Keswick in the Lake District. Most recent years have seen at least one local youngster take part in these incredible Outward Bound type activities for disabled youngsters.

Kids Fun Day.
Funds raised by Kimbolton Country Fayre enable us to help finance a tremendous day out at Wicksteed Park near Kettering for disabled youngsters from throughout our Rotary District. For one day each summer Wicksteed Park is opened entirely for children with physical or learning disabilities.

Scouts, Guides and Rainbows.
Some of the money from last year’s Country Fayre was used to buy tents and other equipment for local Guides, Scouts and Rainbows groups here in Kimbolton and Great Staughton.

In return Guides and Scouts have given tremendous assistance at the Country Fayre in important roles like environmental supervision.

The tents have now been purchased and one or more of them will be on display at the Country Fayre.

Last February local Scout Ellen gave an inspiring talk to our club at which she told us of her experiences at the International Scout Jamboree held near Seol in South Korea the previous year. Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club contributed to the costs of several Bedfordshire Scouts attending this fabulous youth event. Ellen is pictured with our youth coordinator, Rotarian Richard Marriott.

Kimbolton Christmas Tree
Our picture shows the Rotary Team having erected the Christmas tree on the green by Kimbolton High Street, yet to be adorned with the new lights funded by individual donations from Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club members.

Zambia School.
One of our Rotary International projects supported by Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club is a tremendous school in the heart of rural Zambia. We have given funding for this school run by a lady Rotarian who lives nearby for several recent years.

Shelter Box.
Kimbolton Castle Rotary Club is proud to support Shelter Box, which is a UK Rotary charity providing emergency accomodation in disaster areas throughout the world. The picture shows local Rotarian Elaine (Left, in multi-coloured trousers) sampling the comforts available to victims of earthquakes, floods and other disasters.